Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Why am i always the host for xbox live games?

the title pretty much says it all.

for some strange reason i'm always the host for xbox live. my connection is only 2.8Mbs and 0.29Mbs. how do i stop being the host because i'm sick of everybody lagging but me.Why am i always the host for xbox live games?
Well, it depends what games your playing. If its just a random game online, then there ain't much you can do. But if its a custom game, you could promote someone else to host or let someone else host a game.Why am i always the host for xbox live games?
WHy are you complaining? The game is giving you a huge advantage over everyone else!Why am i always the host for xbox live games?
you might be the 1st 1 to join
Thts easy...'DONT BE'..let someone else host....

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